10 Things To Think About When Planning A Website

Illustration of website planning with icons like a computer, checklist, and navigation symbols.

1. Have A Clear Call-To-Action On Every Page

Every page on your website should make your visitor take some kind of action – download your ebook, sign up for a consultation, view your qualifications, watch a demo, etc. Whatever it is, make it clear for the user. Remember, they don’t want to think too hard when they’re looking through your site. Whether it’s a button or a hyperlink, every page needs something that will lead them to take the action you’ve planned for.

2. Phone Number On the Homepage

It seems obvious that every web page should list a phone number, but many don’t. If it’s there at all, it’s usually hidden on a contact page. Big problem! Many visitors check your website just to find your phone number, so make it stand out on your homepage. It’s a good idea to place it in the top right corner, or else in the footer – either way, make sure it’s there somewhere!

3. Simple Navigation

Have you ever visited a website to look for something specific and then had no idea how to find it? Confusing navigation is the fastest way to lose a visitor, so make sure that when someone lands on your site your navigation is logically designed to make it easy for them to quickly get to the information they want.

4. Use Big, Bold, Eye-catching Images

If this trend seems common in web design, it’s because images speak louder than words. Let stunning imagery hook your visitors. Use quality stock photography related to your industry and/or showcase some of your recent projects.

5. Remove the Distractions

Do you have music playing on your site, or a splash page that slows people down from finding what they need? Get rid of it. Why? Not only do many visitors find it irritating, but it also distracts them from taking the actions you want them to.

6. Keep Your Content Up to Date

Make sure you aren’t displaying outdated information, like inaccurate product or service descriptions, old company announcements or outdated employee bios. Such mistakes will chip away at your customers' confidence in both your website and in your company.

7. Figure Out Your Site’s Main Goal

Why do you need a website? What do you want it to do? What is it’s primary goal? Once you figure out the answer to these questions, make sure your site can accomplish your goals. Knowing what you want your site to accomplish is the foundation for planning, designing and developing a high-conversion website.

8. Make Your Site Mobile-friendly

Mobile browsing is bigger than ever. Now that over 70% of Americans have a smartphone, your new customers are likely to find your website while browsing on mobile devices. If your site is not optimized it’s difficult for visitors to navigate and follow the sales funnel you’re aiming for. Make sure your site mobile-friendly.

9. Start All Over

While time, money, and resources don’t make this your first choice, it may be worthwhile to rebuild your online presence from the foundation up. If your website is old, it would be wise to start over with brand-new technology instead of trying to patch what you’ve already got. Meet with your key team members to flush out the top-level goals you’d like your website to accomplish then bring in a qualified team to get the ball rolling.

10. Hire A Professional

All of this brings me to hiring a professional. If keeping your web work in-house or dealing with flakey freelance web designers isn’t working for you, it may be worth looking into bringing in the experts. They’ll not only keep the project moving forward, but they’ll add their professional experience and proficiency to the project.

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